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Dragon guards Fairy Queen

Candle Realm Studio is the fantasy art

and design studio of illustrator, Kim Sponaugle.

Kim has worked in children's publishing

for many years and has a passion for storytelling.

She aims to incooperate ancient  traditions,

symbolism and history using myths and

folklore into her illustrations.

The goal is to produce emotionally engaging art

with a unique style that can appeal to modern readers.

Candle Realm Studio wants to bring its unique

expression illuminate truth, goodness

and beauty the realm of fantasy.





What CRS Provides

Your story is unique. That's why I want to take time to listen, collaborate, and create illustrations and designs tailored specifically for what your project needs. 

Learn more about what CRS can do for you.

Illustrating hand-made original book cover design and illustration for Fantasy/fiction, 

MG Fiction, Picture books markets.


Book Cover Design

All great books are entered through their covers. A strong, effective cover design is essential to the success of any fantasy book.  CRS can help provide imaginative concepts and understands how to make visual and emotional impact with your reader.


Candle Realm Studio can help bring your book to life with stunning hand-drawn original images that will capture your vision, whether it's cover design, chapter icons, line art, and full-color images or  a commision for the children's, MG fiction and  fantasy/fiction markets.

Character Design

Creating memorable characters is essential for any great story. At CRS, we understand the importance of crafting relatable and emotionally expressive characters that readers will love. Kim Sponaugle takes the time to get to know your characters and bring them to life in a way that will captivate your audience and enhance their reading experience."
Dragons can be beaten, GK Chesterton illustration we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."

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